All Finney all the Time

The results of the second biopsy came back and his tumor has been upgraded to Grade III, the worst. We have an appointment with the oncologist on Wednesday. I’m feeling very discouraged. I posted a rant about the place I’m taking him to, but I took it down. I’m going to wait until this is all over before posting about the service and care they provided.

But here is the picture I included with that post. I walked crosstown yesterday and noticed that no other neighborhood I passed through decorates for Halloween the way the West Village does. Yay us!! (Although I can’t take any credit, of course.)


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “All Finney all the Time

  1. I am sorry to hear about the prognosis. 🙁 While it is not the news you would have liked, I think you can feel good that you did all that you could do for him. Now, you have some time together while he is not suffering from a giant tumour, and can just hang out and be a cat for a while.

    A for the review (which I read before you took it down) perhaps allow time for things to settle before you work on it again. It seems that Finney got very good surgical care and is recovering well from that. It may be that the things you had problems with were related to the management of the practice, more than the practice itself. I will give you one example of poor management: Years ago, my husband had a 3 cylinder car that he took in for servicing at a dealership that sells that type of car. When he got the bill and looked at the list of things he was paying for, they had charged him for 4 spark plugs in the tune-up. When he pointed out that his car only had 3 cylinders, they just shrugged and took the 4th spark plug off the bill. So, shabby management, but not necessarily shabby care. Sorry, not a very good analogy, but you see what I mean.

  2. Aw, shit. I was hoping that you and Finney had waltzed far out of CancerLand and this news just SUCKS. Fuck it. I have nothing uplifting and mature to say because I’m pissed off and mad as hell that life didn’t give you two a freaking break. Jesus.

    I know you will be there in every way for that dear soul, and that a cat could not have a better human than you, and that the next steps are going to be hard but that you two will handle it together with gat class and cat courage.

  3. Thank you, Vivian. I’m at peace. I did all I could, and I’m looking at it like Julia said. Removing that tumor is going to give him some pain free time. I’ll take it.

    Julia, I agree about the review, most of the problems were administrative, and not the care.

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