I Miss My Kittens

Is Gadget eating and gaining weight? Is the new batch okay at all? Two of them looked really terrible. They were found outside, soaked from the rain, filthy and with eye infections, and they are some of the rattiest little puff balls you will have ever seen. So of course we love them. It’s been two days since I’ve seen the teeny guys. What will I be coming back to?

Signs of spring. I love forsythia. I suppose this is a sad little shrub, but it makes me happy to see it. Huntington, Long Island, where I grew up, was always covered in forsythia.

This is at Grace Church, heading into choir practice. Usually the magnolia tree is the star of the spring show, but this year it was the cherry blossom tree.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “I Miss My Kittens

  1. I can imagine how attached you are to those wee kittens.

    I love the Spring blossoms. I have some fake forsythia that cheers me up to look at it in the vase on my dresser. Our fruit trees won’t be blossoming for weeks yet, but when they do, it’s such a treat. There are rows of crab apple trees lining some of the roads here in Ottawa and it is just lovely when they are in bloom.

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