Telling Bodhi and Bali Apart

It’s easier now. That’s Bodhi on the left. He has a more angular, rat-like face, or bat-like face. Bali has a rounder, softer face and he’s bigger than Bodhi. I love them equally, but Bodhi is more affectionate, so I have to work on Bali, to warm him up. He’s affectionate too, he doesn’t need a lot of work. He’s just a tad skittish.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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8 thoughts on “Telling Bodhi and Bali Apart

  1. They are cute little love bugs. You captured them perfectly. It’s easy to see that Bodhi is the runt. He looks like he has a patch of white under his chin? Black cats are special.

  2. I see what you’re seeing, but he doesn’t have a white patch. I have to look though to see if there is an area with lighter fur there though.

    Thank you everyone. They are pretty adorable, as all kittens are.

  3. Way cute. I bet you’re not swimming as much as you used to, not with two babies on the loose. The right thing to do would be tasty home and watch them be kittens, it’s such a brief time until they grow up and start napping 22 hours a day.

    I think I can see by their expressions that they have vey different personalties. Body might be a little more wary of people and things, while Bali knows he can charm anyone with his savor-faire.

    I u sed to have three black cats at one time, all unrelated. Two were female, and one was male. I could never tell them apart quickly. It helped if they were all in the same room and I could go thru a process of elimination, but if they were on their own I was lost.

    Anyway, I’m glad to see updates on the herd. All in Finney’s name, sweet one.

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