Det. Wendell Stradford Still At It!

I wrote about Detective Wendell Stradford in my book The Restless Sleep, and even though he technically does not work in the Cold Case Case Squad anymore, (he’s part of the Police Commissioner’s detail) he still works on cold cases. A 25 year old case he worked on with Det. John Fogelman and Manhattan DA’s office Detective Siobhan Berry just led to an arrest.

I love this shot of Wendell at the book party for The Reetless Sleep, towering over literary agents Erin Hosier and Betsy Lerner, from my agency, the Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency.

Shots from the NYC Gay Pride Parade 2018

The first shot was on the way to the parade, the rest are from the actual parade. I cried for the first few minutes I was there. It was just such a positive event, compared to the ongoing and relentless ugliness coming out of the White House. Thank you, paraders!

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

Today Should Be a Good Day

Spotted these on the sidewalk on the way to work yesterday. Today is the big Gay Pride Parade. I’m going to clean up my apartment and head out to take pictures!

Damnation Island Update

I just updated the Events page with a few new events that have been scheduled for my book. I also learned that there’s going to be a review of my book in the New York Times on July 1!! Getting a review in the Times is a big deal and I am SO excited!! This is everything I’d hoped for. Except me being me, I’m terrified about getting a bad review. I’m going to be a complete and absolute wreck until it comes out. Ohgod, ohgod, ohgod. But YAY!!

I didn’t have my camera with me so I didn’t get a great shot, but I was walking behind these nuns yesterday, and it made me realize I never see nuns anymore. Researching the history of one nun for my book made me reflect on nuns I have known. Not a lot of them, and they could be terrifying, but they were also great teachers. It made me sad to think of them disappearing. Come back nuns! Church: be more supportive of them!!

It’s Not Too Late to Be a Part of Virtual Choir 5

I wrote about singing with the Virtual Choir in my book Imperfect Harmony. If you are not familiar with Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir, watch this (the video I linked to has been removed, it was a Ted Talk given by Eric Whitacre, if you want to google it). It’s a great talk and a moving introduction to a unique singing experience. Now is the time to give the Virtual Choir a try! Eric Whitacre specifically wrote music that any singer could sing. It’s just a few bars and the music couldn’t be simpler.

Six years ago I made a video of myself singing. I wanted to see how bad I looked singing. Now I look at it and I can’t believe how I’ve aged in only six years! Oh well. At least I’m still here!