Shots from the NYC Gay Pride Parade 2018

The first shot was on the way to the parade, the rest are from the actual parade. I cried for the first few minutes I was there. It was just such a positive event, compared to the ongoing and relentless ugliness coming out of the White House. Thank you, paraders!

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

NYC Gay Pride Parade, 2018

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Shots from the NYC Gay Pride Parade 2018

  1. All your photos are beautiful, but my favorite shots are always the ones you get of police officers smiling/laughing at something (and the DILF guy is GREAT).

  2. Your ignorant rants and insults of President Trump and Vice President Pence are disgusting,disrespectful, and hateful! You have shown yourselves to be nothing but TRASH! You have NO pride, and bring shame to the Gay movement! Shame on you! Take your gay selves and get the he’ll out of our Country! You are an embarrassment!

  3. Sigh.

    History is not going to look kindly on us during this period. I don’t know what to say to someone like this anymore. I will try asking a question: Karin, do you understand why most people do not support Trump and Pence? Why do you think they believe they are monsters? Even if you think they’re wrong, what do you think their reasons are?

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