
My brother and I saw this when I drove up to see my father for the last time. He died early on Halloween morning, sadly. I don’t really feel like posting at length about it now. Maybe someday. He would have turned 90 on Christmas Eve, so he had a good long life. Not that even longer would have been better.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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8 thoughts on “Rainbows

  1. So very sorry, Stacy. Losing a parent is so difficult no matter how long we’ve had them with us. Sending my deep sympathy.

  2. Stacy, I’m so sad for you with the loss of your father. What a lovely picture to post here with the beautiful rainbow stretching over the road ahead. Remember the good times.

  3. I am sorry to hear about your fathers death. My condolences to you and your family. Hoping the support of family and friends help you through this difficult time. Take care.

  4. I just saw this tonight. Very long life. My sympathies and love to you and your family. I will call soon.

  5. I’m so sorry Stacy, for you and your brother. A comforting sight to see at that moment. One memory of many to hold on to. It’s so hard no matter the years a loved has lived and been part of our lives for them to not be there any longer. It takes a bit of our soul away with each loss. It never seems real or that it will truly happen until it does. Thinking of you….

  6. I’m so sorry for not responding sooner, but for some reason I haven’t been getting email that there were comments to approve. But thank you everyone for your condolences.

    I think it’s hardest on my step-mother, who in addition to losing her husband has endured a number of difficult losses in her lifetime. I’m glad she has lots of friends though.

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