Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “It’s Between Chris Sligh and Melinda Doolittle For Me

  1. The charm of this show escapes me. Great voice. He should lose the double chin.

  2. You read my mind!
    When I first saw Chris’ first appearance, I liked him before he even sang a note. So glad he’s getting through.
    Melinda seems genuinely thrilled to be there and I like her too. I haven’t watched AI in a few seasons, but I think I’ll stick around for a while this time.

  3. Melinda is wonderful and Lakisha is also excellent. Such powerful voices. Probably the most unusual and alternative contestant in all the AI years is Blake Lewis, who I’m sure won’t win, but check out this Youtube performance of his from Columbia City Theatire (I don’t know how to paste the actual video into the message, But here is the URL)

    Blake Lewis – Live at Columbia City Theatre

    Listen to the entire 7 min. performance, which is quite hypnotic. Although this is definitely not AI material!

  4. Mike, have you really given it a try? Because it’s enormously enchanting. I don’t even like most of the music or the styles that they want to promote. But, still, I CARE.

    Yes, Lakisha is great, and I adore Blake, and thank you for that YouTube clip pointer, that was AWESOME. Blake is special.

  5. I haven’t really given it a try, Stacy.

    I’m a grouch. That’s all. And I don’t understand the culture of celebrity that Warhol so presciently described when he spoke of everyone’s 15 minutes of fame.

    But I do understand why people care, and my comment wasn’t meant in a dismissive way.


  6. Mike, I knew you didn’t mean it that way. I’m basically trying to trap you. American Idol is a monster, a very well produced monster and I know if you gave it a try, you would be sucked in just like the rest of us!

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