Happiness is Yours!

I’ve started fostering kittens for the ASPCA and I currently have two sweet girls who were born August 4th. They are very affectionate, and were curled up and sleeping on my chest just moments ago. When I come into the room they always immediately run up to me, they’re such a joy to have around. Everything is just better with pets in the house.

If I didn’t have three cats already I’d keep them. One of them is big enough to go to Adoptions, but the other needs another week to grow. I’d love to keep them together. Does anyone have any interest? I can’t post pictures publicly, but I can show pictures privately.

Below is one of my cats when they were teeny, and they were a little ratty looking at the time. I loved them for other reasons. Jazz and Jingle, the ones I have who will be up for adoption soon, are much prettier. It’s okay boys, you are gorgeous now.

Which reminds me, Jazz and Jingle are girls and I’ve never had girl cats before. They are phenomenally sweet, although just as feisty when they play. Has anyone noticed any behavioral differences between boy and girl cats? I haven’t while working with them at the ASPCA.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Happiness is Yours!

  1. To me, the females are more mature and serious acting than the happy-go-lucky male kitties. I’ve had mainly females and they let me snuggle them, whereas the male cats generally want to put their paw out to show me they are in control here! But I did have a quiet male cat once that was more gentle. The female cat I currently have is a big talker though – first time for that. Her meow is pretty bad. She is known as Cranky Kitty. 🙂

  2. Yes, these kittens are very vocal, and very snuggly. My boy cats snuggle on their terms (ie, they like to sit on my lap, but only when I have a fleece blanket across it, what is up with that??).

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