I only had two problems with Miley’s performance. The first was it felt like play-acting. Madonna was like this out of the box, hell, I imagine Madonna was like this since the day she was born. All her early videos feel completely authentic, even when she is clearly acting. This is/was who she is. Miley was playing dress up. That said, there’s nothing wrong with that. If you’re not quite sure who you are yet, try a few different roles on for size. Find your place. If some of the things you tried didn’t work out, big deal.
Second was the horribly unflattering fit of the bottom half of her costume. There’s nothing wrong with her body, it was all the outfit.
Other than that I thought she was overall adorable. She’s incredibly charming and charismatic. Okay, her tongue is scarily long. But she was extremely entertaining to watch.
Except this: I remembering noticing her backup dancers and wondering what her point was and then promptly forgetting it. One woman’s take here.
Sunday all the parents of NYU kids were helping them get set up in their dorm rooms. I felt such a wave of nostalgia (although my parents didn’t help me, they just put me on a plane, but that was exactly what I wanted). NYU also had “upper classmen” (nobody uses that term anymore, do they?) there to welcome and guide them.
All around NYU various businesses and churches set up welcome tables and signs as well. It was incredibly sweet. This was a church across the street from one of the dorm buildings.