My TEDX Montclair Talk about Singing

The video of my TEDx talk is up! I chose my outfit thinking this was all that would show. I would have re-thought the jeans I chose (jeans are okay, just different jeans).

I worked so hard whittling down my talk to the most crucial points I wanted to make. Can I just say: public speaking is hard!


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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11 thoughts on “My TEDX Montclair Talk about Singing

  1. I just watched it and it was great! I didn’t even look at your pants. 🙂
    Now, I guess I’d better join a choir.

  2. You absolutely without a doubt should join a choir. It’s just plain fun and joyous. There’s no reason not to, unless you really can’t sing and statistically, the number of people who can’t it’s insane small. Most people just think they can’t and they are wrong. Or, because they think they can’t they make it so.

  3. I actually think I can sing ok, which may mean that I am deluded. :p I linked to your TEDx talk on my Facebook page, so maybe you will get more traffic. I also sent to video to a student who is suffering a bit of depression to encourage her to do something. We had a nice talk about it all – I am not just telling her to “do stuff”. Also, I have suffered depression personally a couple of times and I know she has to find her own way. But there are options.

    I take what you say about choirs to heart but my situation is going to change in a year so I may wait. I will graduate with my MA in philosophy in May of 2015 and hopefully, will by then be accepted to a university for the PhD, at which time we will be moving somewhere NEW! Big excitement – [does happy dance]

  4. I do! Thank you so much for linking to my TEDx talk on your Facebook page, I appreciate that.

    Singing helped me with my depression. I dragged myself to rehearsals and it really helped. In fact, I was thinking of sending the link to my talk to sites and psychologists who work with people going through depression.

    And you might want to start now, even if you are moving. And how exciting!! Do you have a first choice??

  5. Interestingly, horseback riding helped me with my depression, many years ago. So did some Prozac. 🙂 But the horses were much more fun.

    I haven’t settled on my MA thesis topic (although I am leaning toward something in metaethics – sources of normativity, maybe). I was thinking I would continue in the same vein for the PhD but it is not required. However, my choices of universities will be based on what work is being done in the field I want to explore, and I still don’t know what that is yet. I would love to go to the University of Edinburgh and there are some fine universities in the US. Much will depend on who offers me money to do my PhD too. It will be an adventure, at long last.

  6. Sounds great! I love being in school. I remember hearing the term “perpetual student.” It was not applied to me, but I used to hear it all the time, applied derisively to others.

    But why would learning a lot be a bad use of your time??

  7. Sorry this thread is so long! But it is fun to chat. I can’t tell you how many times “perpetual student” has been said about me. Mostly, my parents are/were affectionate when they said it. But it is clear they never understood the attraction of formal learning. I like the discipline of going to classes, of getting and doing assignments, of getting marked and learning how to improve. Thankfully, my best friend and supportive husband understanding completely, even if he doesn’t feel the pull himself to formal learning. But he does do a whole lot of informal learning.

    I also love the “poor student” lifestyle (even if I hate the word “lifestyle”). It appeals to the Buddhist in me. Who needs all those things and all that stuff? So yeah, I got my first two degrees (BA LLB) before I was 24. Then I got my LLM when I was 38. Now I am going for my MA and I am 56, so the PhD will come by the time I am 60. After that, I will be a proper academic and I will write articles and do criticism and hopefully teach something too. It works for me!

  8. It sounds wonderful. I loved the academic environment, my fellow students, working together, having professor to ask questions, all of it. mostly!

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