Cat Pack

I’ve posted about how all my cats are getting along again, mostly. (There was a period when it was Bodhi and Bali vs Bleecker. It was mostly Bodhi, though. Even I need a break from Bodhi at times.) Sometimes Bleecker has to swat one of them away, and sometimes he just needs a break from them. He likes to take naps in the closet, but like all cats he also loves boxes, so I’ve been looking for something nicer looking than a Chewy box for him to curl up and hide away in. This one wasn’t bad, but it had a terrible odor so I returned it.

But here they are, able to hang out together, which never fails to make me happy. That’s Bodhi in the box. You can see from that one crazy eye what a challenge he can be.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Cat Pack

  1. My wife and I recently inherited four cats, alongside the three we already had. We now spend our days herding cats around the house. Depending on the day some are friendly and some are less so. But it has been very interesting.


  2. Seven is a lot! You are so nice to accept that inheritance. I hope you have a lot of space. And a good vacuum cleaner. In my apartment I have to keep on top of all the tiny litter granules.

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