Home Stretch

The word back from my agent about the first draft is fantastic. Of course it’s a first draft, and she has suggestions, but overall she thinks it’s great, and my editor will love it. I’ll be working from now until I hand it in to my editor on Monday. I want to implement a few of the suggestions my agent made.

Here’s a Buddy Extreme Close-Up. I have a friend who says cats don’t have expressions! INSANE. Or did she say we just don’t know what they mean? That I would half agree with, except over time you do learn what each expression means — it’s no different than learning any other language. This one means, “I will not rip your face off if you pet me now.”


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Home Stretch

  1. Congrats on the first draft. That must feel good. And I for one think you didn’t have to explain Buddy’s expression. It’s quite obvious.

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