ChemoCat Update

I need to take Buddy to the vet next week for his monthly check-up, but he looks good. I’m pretty sure he’s gaining weight. He seems downright sturdy to me. And the omega 3 fish oil I’m giving him is doing wonders for his coat.

This first shot is followed by his “sexy” shot.


Doesn’t he look like he’s in a cat porn film? I took this to show his belly. Not only is his hair growing back, but he actually has a belly again.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “ChemoCat Update

  1. pretty darned awesome!!! I love it when they get all sprawly – the opposite of the catloaf of misery.

  2. ROFPIMP!!!!! TOOO CUTE! CAN’T STAND IT!!! sigh.. I tell ya… you and me gots the cutest kitties in the whole wide world… Buddy remind me of my Suibhne… they do like the sexy poses… Sooo glad to hear he’s doing better! Love him all the more! 😀 😀 😀

  3. You almost have to turn away from that picture it’s so provocative! 🙂 He does look really good Stacy. How’s his diarrhea doing? I hope that is part of his feeling and looking better status. How do they check to see if the treatment is working? Bloodwork? I so hope it’s all good news and from here on in for that matter. I look forward to the post-appointment update.

  4. I’ve been trying one thing at a time to address the diarrhea, and I’ve seen some improvement with the last things, which I just started, glutamine. Someone here suggested it. I should go back and look and thank them. I think it might be helping.

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