I Haven’t Been Getting With the Staycation Program

I keep working. I can’t help myself. I’VE BEEN PROGRAMMED BY THE MAN. Actually, I think I just need to catch up with a lot of things I haven’t been able to get to, and then I can feel like I can take a vacation. Then I can relax.

But I should go out and just walk around, get reacquainted with my neighborhood. Every time I go out there I see a store I’ve never seen before. Like Marc Jacobs, who has a store on every block, has opened yet another freaking store and this time he’s opened a freaking bookstore where another bookstore used to be!! Completely insane. I’m pretty sure he’s using the shelves that were already there from the previous owner.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “I Haven’t Been Getting With the Staycation Program

  1. Oh lordy lordy, that was the Biography Bookshop! Their successors are on Bleecker St, or West 4th, I can’t remember, so at least they weren’t utterly driven out of the neighborhood. But yes, Mr. Jacobs is using their bookshelves. Pretty nervy. But not their remainder tables, I bet!

    Stacy, I admire your drive; being terminated has convinced me that I was meant to be an invertebrate in the afterlife.

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