What I Do When There’s a Cat on Me …

… and I can’t move. I take video snapshots. Here’s a rare Buddy shot.


Finney and me spot something on the fire escape. What’s that??


Nothing worth bothering about. Let’s nap.


Better yet. Let’s clean ourselves. At this point it became a quest to get an action shot of his tongue.




DAMNIT, DAMNIT. (Nice Speed Racer action thing going on with his ears, though.)


Okay, THERE. Thank God. There’s his tongue. Yes, that was a worthwhile quest.


Spring Cleaning High Point

Nothing makes an apartment feel fresher and Spring-cleanier than clean windows. It’s such a mood enhancer. You probably can’t appreciate the true beauty of them from web pictures.

See how clear the building across the street is??


And my view of … well, bricks? You can really see those bricks!


Eileen Garrett

When I was down at Duke reading all those letters–thousands and thousands and thousands of letters–I came to like certain people just because their letters made me laugh, or think, whatever. One of the people I came to like was an Irish medium named Eileen Garrett. I decided she had to be part of the book.

First, she arranged for crucial financing for the Parapsychology Lab. She was funny and compassionate. She was also this amazingly entrepreneurial renaissance-type woman. She knew how to get money, she started a publishing business, a magazine, a foundation. She took care of people. Just like Rhine really, but she had a completely different style. She is the perfect counterpoint to J. B. Rhine. They made a very interesting team, although I wonder if either of them would have called themselves a team.

I’m going out to Greenpoint to talk to Eileen Garrett’s daughter and granddaughter next week. I cannot wait. Also, I haven’t been out to Greenpoint since the 70’s. Ohmygod, I just realized. I have pictures — from when there was nothing out there except an abandoned, decaying hotel. I should find them and scan them. Meanwhile, here is Eileen.


I Wanted to Give You Music

I wanted to put up the bass aria from St. Matthew’s Passion that I’ve been listening to over and over and over again. It’s the song that made me post “music so beautiful it hurts.” But I’m having technical difficulties. I think it’s too big or something.

This is the name of the aria: Mache Dich, Mein Herze, Rein.
It’s performed by the Bach-Collegium Stuttgart & Helmuth Rilling, and I found it at the Apple Music store after listening to a billion different versions. The singer’s name is Thomas Quastoff. Take advantage of my research. Go get it. It’s only 99 cents.

In the meantime, I give you the Christmas lights that hang in the back of my apartment.
