Heading Back to Work

This month I went back to work for the first time since March! It’s only going to be a day here and a day there. It felt so … not normal. Honestly, I felt like I’d walked onto a movie set and not real life, and we were all just actors.

This is the 42nd Street subway stop, which is normally packed. That was unexpected, because a lot of places have opened up. It shouldn’t have been quite this empty. It must have been the time. I started my shift after regular rush hour. Oh! I just figured it out. Trains had just been through and these are the people who’d just missed them.

Proof that Bleecker is Cute

I was paring down my photo library recently and one thing I discovered is that I have a few good shots of my cat Bleecker. For whatever reason I’ve always had trouble getting decent shots of him.

Here he is, before the unholy terrors, Bodhi and Bali, (just Bodhi really) were brought into the house, when he still got to occupy this choice spot on my desk. It’s okay though. Right now he is on my lap, purring. I just remembered! I used to have a nickname for my cats Buddy and Finney. I called them Satan’s Fur Puppets (they are now deceased). God those were innocent cat-owning times. They were choir boys next to Bodhi, the king of Satan’s army of Fur Puppets. (Bali is a little love who just pretends to go along sometimes.). But here is my pretty, and perpetually vexed, Bleecker.


Well, thank God. Biden has his work cut out for him, so I can’t relax exactly, but still. I can hope again. For some reason though, today I am back to feeling anxious. It must have to do with the emotions one experiences after getting out of an abusive relationship that lots of people are writing about and explaining.

I don’t know what to do about how divided our county is and the 70 million people who thought Trump was just fine. Some people will grudgingly admit that maybe he wasn’t such a great human being, but their 401k’s are doing just fine, so … fuck all the people who are being hurt and dying (and I’m not just referring to people dying because of COVID)? Fuck all the rollbacks hurting our environment and animals? His support of dictators? Our standing with the rest of the world and our allies? His denial of science and all the repercussions from that?

I don’t know how to find a middle ground, especially when people have been convinced that the lies they’ve been told are true and actual facts are not. I take heart that Biden has had experience with working with people on both sides of the aisle.

But today I am anxious. Because we’re still in a pandemic and I can’t go back to normal yet. Oh! That brought up a happy thought. Look at Biden’s advisory board:

“Biden’s transition team on Monday announced members of his coronavirus advisory board, which will be led by former Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, former US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. David Kessler and Yale University’s Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith. Other members are Dr. Luciana Borio, Rick Bright, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Dr. Atul Gawande, Dr. Celine Gounder, Dr. Julie Morita, Michael Osterholm, Loyce Pace, Dr. Robert Rodriguez and Dr. Eric Goosby.”

Will Dr. Fauci play a role?? Googling. He will ask Fauci to remain! Good.

I was going through my library of photographs recently and I pulled out a couple I wanted to do something with. This was one of them. I just like it. It’s a view from my roof.

Losing My Mind

I can’t relax. I need closure! I’m a complete and total wreck. I won’t be able to relax until the counting is done. I wish I had some good drugs (which I can’t take, because I’m an alcoholic, but a girl can dream). That said, I got my teeth cleaned today and it gave me such a “the world is back to normal” feeling. We’re still in a pandemic, and I’m still being very cautious. But it looks like I need a root canal, so I thought what the hell, get my teeth cleaned while I’m at it. It feels so good.

I can’t wait for the day when I can get a haircut again. I know I could get it done now, but it doesn’t seem worth the risk. The root canal I need to address because pain. I can cut my own hair for now. Which I’ve done. And it came out just fine.

A Halloween decoration I passed by today. The message on the skeleton’s hat reads: “Make America Read Again.” (Thank you for the correction, Nora!)

Halloween 2020

It certainly wasn’t as crowded and insane as it usually is, but people were still out and about. They still decorated their stoops and gave out candy (in various socially distant ways).

Halloween, New York City, 2020

The Tardis crashed on Perry Street as it always does. That building must have mystical Tardis-drawing power.

Halloween, New York City, 2020

My favorite building with signs paid a touching tribute to RBG. (Sob.)

Halloween, New York City, 2020

People were creative and fun. I almost missed this, but I look down more these days to avoid tripping.

Halloween, New York City, 2020

The spider came down the Jefferson Market tower.

Halloween, New York City, 2020

People watched. There were a lot more people than this but I would have had to stand in the street to get them all.

Halloween, New York City, 2020

Families were out and about in costume. Mom and dad! Where are your masks? (I wouldn’t want to have covered up those sparkles either.)

Halloween, New York City, 2020

All the outdoor seating was taken everywhere.

Halloween, New York City, 2020

And at my last stop, where I got a slice of pizza before heading home, the Easter Bunny.

Halloween, New York City, 2020

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