Comet Neowise

I’ve just hear about Comet Neowise for the first time. Has anyone seen it yet? I’m going to try tonight, but I wonder how visible it will be in the city? Oh! Just read this!

Skywatching is typically a failed endeavor in the immediate NYC Metro Area, as light pollution creates very difficult viewing conditions. Comet Neowise is an exception, however, thanks to its brightness and the time of day at which it is best viewed. Over the next week, Neowise will be visible from the NYC Metro Area at the following times:

9:30pm to 12:30am in the Northwest sky
2:30am until sunrise in the Northeast sky

My morning company. My pandemic partners. Oh God I am so sick to death of the pandemic. I think I need to do something today to get out of this funk I’ve found myself in. Maybe a long walk? Grilled cheddar cheese and french fries?

Thank you, Mood

I needed some velvet upholstery fabric to patch over some holes my cats made in my couch (it’s going to look terrible, but who can afford reupholstering??). They didn’t have what I needed at the first place I stopped, but they had it at Mood! They were so nice too. I only needed a small amount and this guy went to their remnants pile and pulled out exactly what I needed and the piece only cost $5!! Please scroll down for a shot of a cat with my Mood bag.

July 4, 2020 Military Flyover

The sun was in my eyes and I couldn’t see if any of the jets had even made it into my frame! Luckily I got a few shots, and I am particularly glad that the stealth bomber was among them. The first time I saw a stealth glider I didn’t know one was going to fly by. I was sitting on the river and just happened to look up. It was the most amazing non-animal thing I’d ever seen in the sky, and the fact that it doesn’t make a sound made it even more beautiful. It was just this silent, gliding monster.

The jets were flying north to south down the Hudson River, and I believe they were heading to Philadelphia next.

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