I’m starting to meet people who know what they are talking about. Carlos Alvarado, Ph.D has been helping me, pointing me to books and journal articles. He told me about J. B. Rhine publishing a skeptical article about the medium Mina Crandon, better known as Margery. Rhine was the head of the Duke Parapsychology Laboratory, although not at the time. When the article was published he was studying philosophy at Harvard (or had just finished). Then Dr. Alvarado sent me this amazing picture of Margery.
UPDATE: More (and better) pictures of ectoplasm on my other website here, here and here.
Oh yeah. This is going to be an interesting book to write. The best part though, is what followed the publication of Rhine’s doubting piece. That is really what my book is about. As I found when writing about the police, their investigations are fascinating, it’s true, but so are the politics and the passions behind the scenes. Joseph Rhine had a complicated personality, but he was the right man for the job. And so was his less visible right hand man, Gaither Pratt.