Wallowing in Food

BrettJackie.jpg Today it was lunch at Tabla with Brett and Jackie. I was jealous of Jackie’s dress. Why don’t I bother to put on a pretty sundress? Look how nice she looks. I could have looked that nice! What is my problem?? Seriously, I wish I made even a little effort with my appearance. I’m back at home now, preparing for the heat wave. It’s supposed to be 97 on Monday. 97 in New York City is not pretty. Help us!
Worked on Duke book.
Emailed Lisette.
Answered email about possible article.
Lunch with friends, having leftovers for dinner, Big Brother.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Wallowing in Food

  1. Oh, phew!! You’ve managed to take a photo of me that I actually like. Thank you so much!

    Lunch was fun, looking forward to the next.

  2. Ha! I told you! I don’t want anyone to hate the pictures I put on my blog. For anyone who is reading this, we were at the restaurant and I said, “Let me get a picture of you for my blog!” So I take one and go, “Nope. You’re not going to like that. Try again.” I take another. “Nope. Sorry. You’re not going to like that one either. Let’s try again.” Voila!

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