Going Back Home Again

Howard offered to take me on a drive, so me, Howard and Ruby drove out to Huntington, LI. I wanted to see the swampy, stream-y, pond-y area I lived across the street from when I was little.

First we went here. This was where I lived from 9 to 16-years old. This house was okay. There are woods in the back which I liked.


Another shot to the left.


But the house below is the one I loved. I couldn’t get a good shot because of the way the road turns, and it’s blocked (nicely) by a lot of trees. This house has woods in the back too, and it was across the street from …


… this.


Howard and Ruby walking across very narrow planks.


Howard and Ruby shaking the whatchamacallit because it made me nervous. Real mature Howard and Ruby.


Howard and Ruby on a path. I didn’t take pictures of my favorite parts, weirdly. I loved and still love the streams the best.


I forgot me. Ruby in a tree and me! I was too chicken to climb up on the branch.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Going Back Home Again

  1. finally i got here to make a comment lol
    very beautiful. i love nature. be friendly with our earth. war is awful. distructing our beautiful earth.we must real care about enviroment more.
    safety drive 🙂

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