Learning New Things …

Macrofinn2.jpg … in order to stave off Alzheimers. I learned how to use the macro function on my camera. His eyes are closed because I didn’t want to shoot this close with a flash with his eyes open. (I had to wait, oh, two seconds, for him to nap.) My camera has all these functions that I never use, so I’m going to go through and learn them all.

I’m also going to learn how to play the banjo I bought. My plan was to learn enough to play a Christmas carol last year, but I never got around to it. This year is the year!

Movie update. Dreamgirls. I’m sorry, but I didn’t like it. In fact, I found it excruciating. I don’t know why, everyone did a good job, and it had a few good moments, but otherwise I couldn’t wait for it to end, and of course it took freaking FOREVER to end.

The Painted Veil. Ah, this one I wanted to go on and on and on. My favorite movie in a long time. Tragic love story, absolutely incredible acting, scenery that made me want to move to rural China, I could have stayed in my seat and watched it again.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Learning New Things …

  1. I felt the same way about Dreamgirls. Some of the scenes were great, but I felt very antsy during it. It never connected with me.
    Looks like you and I are the only folks I know who share that opinion.

  2. That happens to me from time to time. People will go on and on and rave about some film and I’ll just be thinking “eh”. Can’t think of an example right now….dealing with a horrific cold I picked up in upstate NY last weekend.
    BTW, we may be moving back to the East coast soon.

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