Movie Round-Up

There is no connection between what I’m going to say and this picture. But, God. Will you look at those claw marks? These cats are ruining the place. One of them was sick on my lovely sofa, and I had my upholstry cleaner guys out yesterday but no-go. There’s a faint outline. So now I have to resort to the cover-up. I’ll find some pretty lace thing.


In fact, here’s a shot of my current cover-up solution:


I’m uploading these pictures of the slow destruction of my apartment by cats because future historians from other planets who will chart and write about the fall of our civilization will need proof.

Future Alien Historian: No really, look. There were wars and genocide all over the place, the debate on global warming was over, they knew it was coming and this is what she concerned herself with. I’m not making this up, I swear. Look. I have proof.

Still to see Before the Oscars

Pan’s Labyrinth
The Queen
Letters from Iwo Jima


Dreamgirls – not recommended.
Children of Men – recommended.
The Painted Veil – highly recommended.
Catch and Release – a nice diversion.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Movie Round-Up

  1. You can either have nice cats or nice furniture. The choice is yours.

    I liked “Pan’s Labyrith”. It was extemely imaginative. But the characters were drawn in black and white. Good, evil. No nuance. But it does one’s heart good to see the stepfather getting his due in the end.

  2. Last King of Scotland–Even though not nominated for best picture, Forest Whitaker IS nominated for best actor, and as some are saying, he gives the acting tour de force of the decade. Very emotionally stirring and highly intense, and very worth seeing.
    Babel is good, and worth seeing, but Last King etc. is in a different league. There is even a debate on IMDB about which film is better–don’t know why these 2 are being compared, but they are.

    Did you try Windex on the pukey-kitty stain? I find that it works on most pukey-kitty challenges.


  3. The problem with the stain is, it seems to have leeched the color from the couch around the perimeter, like a chalk outline. It’s not so much getting the stain out, put needing to put color back in. It really sucks, but what are you going to do?

    I still haven’t seen Pan’s Labyrinth or King of Scotland, and now I kinda want to see this new movie, Breach.

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