Concert for Peace

I had to shrink this down to fit so for those who can’t read the tiny type, we’re doing a selection of the music of Ralph Vaughan Williams, and the concert has a theme: Concert for Peace.

Friday, May 11 at 8:00 pm
Grace Church, Broadway at Tenth Street
Tickets: $20 at the door, $15 in advance (from me).

I had a total mini-meltdown in the shower yesterday. I was feeling so good and then freaked out in the shower. It was kinda like a panic attack. I guess I’m feeling more stressed out than I thought. It made no sense, I’m ahead of schedule, everything is going well. As soon as I got out of the shower I signed up to learn something that was developed at UMass Medical School called MSBR (Mindful Based Stress Reduction). Sounds new-agey, I know, but I read the results of one study and I was planning to do this later in the year. So, instead I’ll do it NOW.

Then I had lunch with a friend who, coincidentally, specializes in addressing stress, and she told me that even if it didn’t make sense, and I’m on top of my to-do list and all, I could still be feeling overwhelmed. That made me feel better almost immediately. Thank you, Cori! I took the rest of the day off. I might take today off, too. I’ve been wanting to see the movie The Lives of Others.

PS: This flyer was designed by Mary Horenkamp, the owner of the fabulous Darcy, whose picture you saw last weekend.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Concert for Peace

  1. Life is hard.

    Stress reduction in the 17-1800’s involved either religion or whiskey.

    I’m beginning to understand.

  2. Stacy, does Grace Church make CD recordings of the concerts? And if so, are they available for sale? It would be a way to swell the funds. Good luck with the concert!

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