New Story Sites

catlilac.jpg Who doesn’t love lilacs? (That’s Finney sniffing the lilacs.)

My friends Matt Belanger and Marianne Petit who helped, she says she was a sidekick, have two new websites. Here are descriptions that Marianne sent me, but just go. I love this sort of thing, these collections of stories, and I love how Matt does them. You’ll see what I mean if you go.

Disappearing Places is both an archive and collective map of places that no longer exist, at least not as they once did. Users can upload stories and images about a place, link them to a corresponding location or street address and tag them accordingly, as well as browse the stories and places other individuals have submitted.

Time Indefinite is both a repository of significant moments and a collective timeline so that we can chart where we all stand in time next to each other during our individual significant moments. Users can upload stories and images about a specific moment in time and tag them accordingly, as well as browse the stories and moments other individuals have submitted.

(PS: I can take Marianne in a fair fight.)

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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