Testing… Testing …

walk1.jpg We upgraded to a new webserver and there were problems with my blog. I’m going to just blab for a second here and see if this works.

I took this picture walking through Central Park the other day.

I had planned to curl up in my down comforter on the couch today and read, but when I picked up my comforter from the cleaners they gave me someone else’s and they don’t believe me that it’s not mine. I’m waiting for a callback. I hope they find mine, because it cost hundreds of dollars. Lots of hundreds, and I don’t really have that now. This one isn’t nearly as nice and besides, it’s someone elses. The idea of using it creeps me out.

In other news: Sanjaya is never going home, is he? That reminds me, I have never liked Jennifer Lopez, something about her has always rubbed me the wrong way, but she won me over during her appearance on American Idol.

“But what can I take a picture of?”


That’s what I asked Adina when the guards wouldn’t let me take a picture of anything at MOMA. She pointed up, and sure enough, it was pretty up there. This is what you see when you look up at the Museum of Modern Art. We were there to see Jeff Wall’s photographs. I was going to put one of his pictures here, but they really have to be seen in person to get the full effect. Here they are if you want to take a look. But seeing them online does not do them justice. They are huge, for one, and lit from behind.

Before MOMA we were at the Guggenheim to see another photo exhibition called family pictures.

Then I went to the library and solved the Boston Strangler murders. Okay, not really, but I uncovered new information. I’m so excited, but frustrated because I have to wait until Monday to call anyone about it. But still!! Very exciting. I was going to call the 80 year old son of someone who was briefly a suspect, but then my brother and sister-in-law and their kids sent me an online Easter card and I thought now would not be the time to call some guy to say, “Okay, so, your dad was a murder suspect …” (Of course in reality I would never broach the subject like that.)

Why I went to the Gig

Yesterday, on my way to the gym, me and a bunch of people had a near death experience. Two cars playing some sort of chicken game were heading straight for us. There was no way of knowing if they’d keep coming straight at us, or veer left, or veer right, and they were so close and coming so fast there was only time enough to pick one direction and try to get out of the way. But if you chose wrong, there’d be no time left to head back in the other direction, you’d be dead.

I was smack in the middle of their oncoming path so I decided to wait until the last second and jump in the appropriate direction. This was one of those instances where all the options are weighed and a decision is made in a split second. Plus, if I had to jump left, I’d jumping into on-coming traffic, and they could see what was going on so they were all making their own split-second decisions, except their decisions were probably not going to result in their DEATHS OR MAIMING.

I didn’t have to move. They veered right, completely away from where we all stood. No one was hurt. But we all stood around for about ten seconds going “We almost died!” “Oh my god, that was scary!” “Did you freaking see that??”
We glared at the drivers, but I figured you don’t want to mess with people like that. I didn’t say a word.

I went to the gym, but I was shaky the whole time. But then, for the rest of the day I was in a good mood. At the end of the day I got a call for a gig, and normally I wouldn’t have gone, out of sheer laziness, but I totally wanted to go. I cleaned my apartment (suddenly it need cleaning RIGHT THEN) showered, drummed for a while to get warmed up, and went! The whole time there I was in the best mood, I danced in the hallway outside of the party, I was so happy to be with my friends who I only see once in a blue moon when I show up for a gig.

I took the picture above before we played. I don’t think those people liked us too much, the applause was lukewarm, but fuck em! I didn’t die!

My Slow Descent Downtown and Down

Walk2.jpg Not really. I’m fine, except a little worried about Finney. This is how my day went yesterday. I went uptown for an appointment to see about learning this thing that was developed at the University of Massachusetts, MBSR, Mindful Based Stress Reduction. I know how roll-your-eyes that sounds, but there have been studies that indicate it works. I decided to walk home afterwards. I went through the park, where the dogwoods were in bloom. Oh wait, maybe it was magnolia? Okay, I admit it, I don’t know anything about nature!! Something with big flowers on it.

From there I went past Columbus Circle. Here I am with text boxes and arrows again. Experimenting a little with color. This place had an amazing view of the park and lots of glittering lights. I think my choir sang here too, come to think of it. We did! It was for a birthday party, for NBC or something. And we were there as this hugh choir singing happy birthday.

From there I went to the Museum of TV and Radio to see if they had a couple of shows relating to my book that I needed to see but they didn’t have a single one of them! From there I went to the New York Public Library and they didn’t have what I wanted either! Then I went home and did billing but it didn’t work. There were problems, which were finally figured out.

Then, American Idol was BORING. I guess after they beat Blake and Chris Sligh down into the ground for experimenting with arrangements a couple of weeks ago everyone is afraid to try something different, but man I wish some of them had done something differently with those songs last night.

Then, at 3 in the morning Finney threw up. I took him to the vet a couple a months ago because he was throwing up occasionally and it didn’t seem like the occasional furball. But everything checked out fine. When the pet recall happened of course I wondered if it was related but I don’t feed them anything on the list, and besides, it had been a while since he threw up. But then last night he did. He’s absolutely fine otherwise, so I’m not panicking, but I am concerned. I will call the vet this morning.

Oh God, that was the most boring post EVER, wasn’t it? Sorry.