A Dress I Can Possess!

Yellow3.jpg I’m going to a wedding in a half an hour and at noon I realized I hadn’t given any thought to what I would wear. What is wrong with me?? So I ran out to find a dress.

Everything I tried on was too low cut. Finney recently scratched me and with these low cut dresses you can see all the scratches and I looked like “crazy cat lady.” I decided I would just go with my “fall-back” dress. I came home, pulled out the fall-back dress, and saw that I must have had a really good time the last time I wore my fall-back dress because it’s a mess and completely unwearable. So I had to run back out at 3pm for a 6pm wedding.

I went back to Anthrpologie for this. I saw it when I was on my way out before, but I had already decided on the fall-back dress and so I kept going. Everything about it is perfect! It’s yellow, my new favorite color! And I have all the right jewelry! The universe is being so nice to me lately.

So, now I have to quick put on the finishing touches and go!


get to the bottom of the picture.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “A Dress I Can Possess!

  1. Where are the stinking wedding pictures you promised? Must we wait for days to see this wedding? We demand you post these pictures now!

  2. Beautiful dress! Anything having to do with spring makes me happy. It’s been brutal up here.
    So what kind of shoes did you wear with the dress?

  3. Oh, I should post the shoes. Someone else was asking me about that. I could do a funny post about shoes, in that I have so few.

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