One Can Never Get to the End of a To-Do List

YoungRhine.jpg And this haunts me. When longing for peace I tell myself that in order to have it I have to accept that as I check off things from my to-do list, I will always be adding things, and that won’t end until I’m dead. That said, I love checking things off my to-do list.

I’m meeting with a lawyer at my publisher today. I enjoy discussing legal issues, they’re like fun puzzles, but I’m sure that I will walk out of that meeting with a longer list of things to do. And the list of things to do with this book is already rather large. You’re not done when you finish the book.

Next comes: getting people to buy it. I don’t enjoy this part. It feels unseemly at times, although it does have its good moments. I’ve started a marketing plan. Here are some of the items from that to-do list:

– Get pitches ready for monthly mags by September. “Is God a Ghost?” (Maybe use that theme, or one like it, for a panel or presentation.)
– Put together list of fun events, ie, seances, EVP recording at a haunted house, etc.
– Write pitch for a local haunted house story.
– Come up with a couple of lectures/presentations.
– Put together a list of possible colleges (and other organizations, societies, etc.) who might be interested in a lecture or panel.
– Create Unbelievable blog.
– Come up with ideas for YouTube video.
– Explore how to use Facebook to promote book. And Twitter.
– Look into Adsense.

The picture is of J.B. Rhine, the head of the Duke Parapsychology Lab. He was a handsome, alternately intense/sweet man.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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