What Was the Rush??

I just heard from my very first college roommate!  We were students together at the Florida Institute of Technology, but after one semester we both decided we wanted to study photography and left.  (Neither of us became photographers, although I did it for a few years after college.  She went on and studied physics and worked at Bell Labs!!  VERY impressive.)

When I look back I have to ask, what was the rush??  On the one hand, I guess this is a good thing about me, when I make a decision to do something I do it, little hesitation. But still.  This was a fun place and I really liked so many of the people who went there.  Did I have to leave immediately??  

That’s me on the left, and Elisa on the right, partying one night on the beach. Oh!!  I’m wearing my shark’s tooth necklace that I had made.  I miss that.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “What Was the Rush??

  1. Love this pic (and the life-risking one’s from your last post). One of my favourite things about the internet is reconnecting with people from the past 🙂

  2. Interesting – She went into Physics and you seem to have an interest in them lately – at least according to some of your last posts.

  3. So, who is the cute guy in the middle? I so remember those shark tooth necklaces and Bolla wine on the beach, except my beach was in NJ. Must be 1974/1975?

  4. I can’t remember his name! He was a sweetie too, we really liked him. My brain has failed me. AGAIN. And you got the year exactly right.

    And yeah Karen, I emailed her about that. It is funny.

    Nadine, I also love that about the internet.

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