Traumatized by Invaders From Mars

I was so traumatized by the movie Invaders From Mars that whenever I see anything even remotely like it I get the creeps, all these years later.

I took this walking towards the Hudson River.  I was somewhere up in the 70’s, I forget which block (probably due to TRAUMA).

Doesn’t it look a little like the path leading up to the sandpit in Invaders From Mars?  It’s just missing that fence running up along the left.  And trees.  It’s the urban version. This is the best sandpit alien landing pad we could come up with in the city. Seriously, I saw it and immediately thought Invaders From Mars, first thing.  I will never forget that sandpit. Whatever a sandpit is, besides being a good hiding spot for aliens.

I walked back home along the river from an unsuccessful shopping trip uptown.  I had a little adventure along the way, which I will post about. Nothing truly exciting, but I got a nice picture out of it.

I was threatened by someone who either works for the City or the mob. Or aliens. Okay, not aliens.  

Or does he???

Seediness Has Its Charms

When I look at pictures of wood buildings in the neighborhood which were taken when they were new, or new-ish, they looked dilapidated, even then.  What I like about the White Horse Tavern is that is has that look exactly.  Even though it’s famous as a former writer’s bar I read that it was once a longshoreman’s bar.  That’s what it looks like, a longshoreman’s bar.

Here’s a detail.  It looks seedy, basically, which is more authentic to my neighborhood (the far West Village).  At least for a certain period anyway.  I have good camera news, by the way!  A friend’s boyfriend is a fashion photographer, and she also has a Canon G9, (the camera I just bought) and he uses one as a back-up, and he is going to give us lessons on what all these billion controls mean!!

Save Yourselves!

Don’t go to see House Bunny.  I was hoping it was going to be a nice surprise, like Legally Blonde, but no.  Man was it bad.  And just weird. Like it wasn’t made by … people.  I actually thought while watching it that it was made by guys who had never spoken to a woman in their lives, and was surprised when the credits rolled and I saw that it was written, produced and directed by women.  And then I learned later it was made by the same screenwriters as Legally Blonde.

The humor, what passed for humor, just made me cringe.  Don’t go.

But do read The Brief History of the Dead.

And if you missed the new summer show In Plain Sight download it and watch it.

And get the Bridgid’s Abbey cheese from Cato Corner Farm at the Greenmarket (if you’re in New York).

I took this picture on Commerce Street facing Morton Street.  A pretty spot, no?

The New York City Zoo

Every day, all day long, these double decker tourist buses drive around Manhattan, with some guy on the top with a microphone explaining the sites.  It’s kinda weird.  Anything having to do with 9/11 gets a lot of attention.  They especially like the corner across from St. Vincent’s Hospital (where they waited to treat the survivors who never came).  People started putting up tiles on a fence to honor the victims and now the fence is packed with tiles. 

I have to admit I always feel a little self-conscious when they go by and I’m in my crappy gym outfit.  I almost want to explain.  “I can look better than this.  Really.”

Here is the Incredible Hulk (Edward Norton, why??) protecting the visitors.  “Don’t hurt them, poorly attired New Yorkers!  Roar!”

Just Wanted to See What it Could Do

Not bad.  This was out my window and that helicopter was pretty far away, relatively speaking.  But what is that thing on the front??

I love helicopters.  Too bad they seem less forgiving when it comes to crashes.

Today:  More camera learn-age, writing a behind-the-scenes type thing for my publisher, gym, house-cleaning, Olympics-watching, spending way too much time online doing nothing terribly important.  Oh life.  Am I squandering you?  Maybe I should start looking at the music my choir is going to be doing this season?