Any dolt with half a brain …

It’s 8:41am and already I’ve listened to that duet from Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog about a dozen times. It’s the one where Dr. Horrible and Penny sing about good and evil. I forgot it existed, and I was just reminded of it.  It’s such a lovely, perfect little song. Oh wait!! I can embed it! Let me try … nope, too big. It’s called On the Rise or I Cannot Believe My Eyes (there doesn’t seem to be agreement about the title).

Speaking of lovely and perfect, I took this picture the other day. I was aiming for the little one, who was so deftly playing with whatever toy he was holding, but look at his brother’s face! Lovely and perfect, except he looks a little sad.  Which I guess goes back to that duet.  It’s both, “Hopes and dreams are shattering apart, And crashing to the ground,” and “I believe there’s good in everybody’s heart. Keep it safe and sound.”

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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