I Watched and Holy S**T, I Feel Better

Here are me and Finney, resting easier now. 

I ended up creating a place on Echo so we could all watch and comment on the debates together, and it helped ease my extreme anxiety. I feel a lot better now.  For people whose minds are made up of course, they will love McCain’s condescending “doesn’t understand” refrain, but I think enough people will see it for what it was, and his total lack of graciousness throughout the debate.

Obama, on the other hand, was gracious, polite, informed, and kept on point about the problems and what he would do. McCain spent more time dissing Obama than offering solutions. I would have liked to see more moments like Obama’s response about the bracelet, and his response to the liberal comment, but those were great, and at moments he soared, especially towards the end.

So yes, Obama could have done better, and I’m sure he will now. I feel a lot less anxious about the second debate.  We were coming up with responses to all the “don’t understand” comments, and I liked one person’s suggestion of, “I understand very well, but I disagree.”  With how you just characterized, etc.  

Speaking of “characterized,” I think that was the word Sarah Palin was shooting for, not caricature.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “I Watched and Holy S**T, I Feel Better

  1. I couldn’t bear to watch (so I went to see Ghost Town instead :-). Thank you for relieving my anxiety. I’m not even sure I want to watch the soundbites that will be playing on all the Sunday talk shows tomorrow. Pretty much I just want to hide in a cave while all the hate gets thrown around. Come out sometime around Christmas after the dust has settled.
    Is that so wrong???

  2. I thought Obama did very well and showed (contrary to what McCain kept saying) that he does have a thorough understanding of foreign policy issues. Biden has been doing a great job with post-debate interviews. Biden even got a good dig in on Fox news – Chris Wallace asked Biden if he would have trouble not being condescending to Palin in their debate next week. And Biden responded, “No,no,no. I’m not going to do what John did.”

  3. Unfortunately, I was exhausted and in pain and took drugs that brought me in and out during the debate. Saw enough though. I thought McCain did much better than I thought he would. Obama was his normal reserved, on-cue self.

    Can’t wait to see Mrs. “I Can See Russia From My House” take on Joe the Shark later this week at a venue VERY close to home.

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