More From the Cameras of Dreams

I said pinhole before, but in that category I include pictures taken with plastic toy cameras like the Diana or the Holga.  This one is called “The End of the World” and it’s by Emil Schildt.  It brings to mind a quote I was considering using in both The Restless Sleep and Unbelievable.  It’s from a book by Mark Helprin called A Winter’s Tale. I’ve read that Helprin is embarrassed about A Winter’s Tale now. Maybe there’s some things in it worth cringing about, but there’s a lot to admire and love as well. Anyway, here’s the quote:  

“Remember, what we are trying to do in this life is to shatter time and bring back the dead.”  

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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