This Guy Should Be President

Well, something totally unexpected happened during the debate last night: I fell in love with Joe Biden.  He was amazing.  AMAZING.  I almost want to ask, where did he come from? But he just ran for president. What went wrong with his campaign?

I now completely understand why Obama chose him and it was an excellent choice, but seriously, he should be president.  Experience, grace, compassion, humility.  Such a startlingly true and not feigned grasp of the complexities of all the issues, oh and I saw his answer about Roe vs. Wade the other day.  The way he took it apart, and admitted that it was imperfect, but showed piece by piece how it was close as possible to an acceptable solution that addresses the concerns of both sides.

Joe Biden, can I work for you?

A lot of the time when candidates talk about their passion I see only ambition.  With Biden I actually saw passion.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “This Guy Should Be President

  1. Oh right, Hillary and Obama. No one had a chance.

    But what excellent judgement on Obama’s part, to pick him.

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