Concern for the health of the mother is extreme??

This was the most mind-blowing moment for me last night. I couldn’t believe it.  Oh, and categorizing those who view this as a matter of privacy and choice as “pro-abortion.”  This is why I hate politics.  No one is pro-abortion, for God’s sake.  Why can’t we have an adult conversation about this difficult issue ever?  Obama tried.  McCain came back with air quotes over concern about the life of the mother.

[Video removed because the link no longer works.]

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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One thought on “Concern for the health of the mother is extreme??

  1. McCain is a wacko, and everybody sees it. He comes off like a character from DR. STRANGELOVE and looks like Jonathan Hayes might be digging for gold in his chest cavity next Tuesday after lunch. Palin is Hillary on steroids, the fascist icon that American feminism has been promoting since Dworkin & MacKinnon declared heterosexual relations to be rape.

    Don’t worry, be happy. Obama gonna SWEEP this race.

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