I’m Healthy and NYC is Pretty

The doctor basically said no way in hell I have pancreatic cancer.  There isn’t anyone on the planet more un-pancreatic cancer-y than me.  He’s sending me to a sports doctor.

So I’ve been up on the roof experimenting with night photographs and movies.  First, a photograph, and then a short movie below.  Pretty, no? And that was without a tripod.  You can kinda tell because I didn’t get the Empire State Building straight.  But I’m very impressed with the movie.

I tried one version zooming in very close, but I liked the more pulled back view better. You could actually see more this way.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “I’m Healthy and NYC is Pretty

  1. Just yesterday I bought a ticket for my next trip to your wonderful city (April 2009) so this was a nice little treat to view today.

  2. SO glad to hear it. That HAS to make you feel better on some level!

    And I love the views. New York is an awesome city. I understand why it’s such a mecca for writers. Someday I want to come there just for the hell of it. (My only two trips have been work-related, though I had the opportunity to do a lot more than the average business trip would accommodate.)

    I want to bring two of my high school friends along, too. We’ve all been there, but it sure would be great fun to come together. We’d just have to make sure we left ample bail money available at home. 🙂

  3. Thank you!! Yeah, pancreatic cancer is getting all our mothers. You probably already know, but Emily Nussbaum’s mother also died of pancreatic cancer.

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