Another Great Thing About the Obama Win? The Clothes.

Although I was not happy with Michelle’s choice on this night of all nights. I didn’t hate it, but it wasn’t up to the moment, and it was so visually confusing (jacket? shrug? part of the dress?) that it was distracting.  Usually I love her choices though, so I’m not concerned, and everyone else in the family looked great. The girls’ outfits were head to toe amazing.  Good God, what a beautiful family.  Look at them.

Fashion-watching-wise I’m in heaven.   Michelle Obama will fill the vacancies created by the sad deaths of Princess Diana and Carolyn Bessette Kennedy.  Two fabulous dressers who I miss to this day.  (Don’t mean to reduce them to fashion entertainment, but they had serious skills.  What can I say.)

As I said, I’m going to be ruthlessly going through my own closet and trying to determine what to keep and what to donate to charity, not that charity would even want anything of mine. I do not have serious skills.  I need Tim Gunn, but that’s not realistic.  Actually, who do I know who is good at this?  I never even thought to ask anyone to help me.  Hmmmm.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “Another Great Thing About the Obama Win? The Clothes.

  1. If only I had their budget, I’d replace everything in my closet (except my London Underground t-shirt). Another good dresser: Gwyneth Paltrow, when she’s steppin’ out.

  2. Sigh. Me too about replacing my clothes.

    And agree about Gwyneth. Also excellent dressing skills.

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