Let’s Start the Week With Dogs!

It’s Monday, back to work, although when you work at home the days kinda blend together and weekends don’t carry the same punch.  What am I working on this week?  Oh!  A meeting about marketing at my publisher later this week!  Love these.  They stoke those fires of hope.  Maybe this book will be the one.  

These guys were in front of Balducci’s the other day. I don’t know breed they are, but they were adorable and three of an adorable thing is cause to stop and take a picture.  Now I want three dogs.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “Let’s Start the Week With Dogs!

  1. Oh dear! I’m going to choose to believe these three are okay. They seemed really smart and aware and attentive. The way they looked at me, it was a little eerie, but in a good way.

  2. ok, I have to tell you about the great mixed breed dog I saw in the vet reception area last week; a dark looking golden retriever until it turned around and I saw it had a shar pei face, very soulful and wise looking; some of the mixed breeds are the best looking dogs around…

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