Rain?? Today?? Why Universe, Why??

I just spent WAY too much money getting my windows cleaned, I can’t even think about it.  That’s looking through the kitchen window into the bedroom where you can see my stacks of cases of catfood.

How long am I going to get to enjoy this sparklingly clear view that I spent WAY too much money on??  I bet I don’t get through this post.

Plus, I was going to walk uptown to my publisher’s meeting this afternoon, something I was really looking forward to. That’s probably out.

So, yeah.  Oh well.  Obama is my next president.  There’s that.  Every time I see someone for the first time since the election it’s the first thing we talk about.  Last night I went to my monthly meditation meeting and we spent the first few minutes talking and basking in the wonderfulness of it.

That reminds me.  I read a secret on PostSecret that was such a wonderful example of tolerance and forgiveness and how we are all imperfect but deserving of love.  It was this:  I yelled at her for weeks about how wrong her abortion was.  And she still held my hand when I had one.”

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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