Wait, what’s today?

I had to think about it.  So yeah, what’s up for today?  One thing’s for sure: I’m going to spend a lot of time at my desk on the computer.  It’s insane how much time I spend here, day after day, sitting here.  Every day.  Here.  It never changes!!

My next book can’t start too soon for me.  Except there’s the little problem of thinking of one. Then I have to sell someone on the idea.  I’m going to have to go with the science book memoir, I think.  If I wait for the perfect idea I may be sitting at this desk forever.  (But with some sweet company.)

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Wait, what’s today?

  1. I think you should do a “waiting for my cats to die” 2. Well, a different title. But turning 50 in New York. You already have a lot of material that you could use in your blog.

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