I Was Worried About This

I got my child’s letter from New York Cares and just what I feared might happen is happening—I can’t find what the child wants. [Backstory: New York Cares has a program called Winter Wishes where you get a child’s letter to Santa and agree to buy the gifts.] I went all the way up to Toys R Us in Times Square, the biggest toy store I think, but no go. I got his first choice gift though, so it’s not the end of the world. I have a few places to try this afternoon.

Here’s a picture of the scary Toys R Us monster who skulks around in the doorway.  If I was a kid I’d run screaming from this thing.  It’s like seven feet tall.  And orange.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “I Was Worried About This

  1. monster ?!

    that orange thing isn’t a monster, it (he) is geoffrey the girafe-the toys r us mascot.
    how dumb !!!

    hard to believe that the mother of all toy stores doesn’t have the item you seek.

  2. pushed the submit button waay too fast-

    meant to say that the concept of a seven foot, orange, talking giraffe is dumb.

    can’t imagine that kids today would go for that thing.


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