What do you know, we can make a difference.

I was just reading a little bit from a Times article.  I think it said that people around you, who are not necessarily close to you, like your neighbors or friends of friends, can effect your mood as much as your spouse?  It seems insane, but I kinda bought it.  Yesterday I was going nuts trying to find this second gift for the New York Cares kid and I found it at a Ride Aid drugstore, of all places.  I couldn’t reach it so someone who works there got it for me, but then we couldn’t get it to work, and so she went to get someone.

Seconds later I figure it out and I go to get her.  I was so happy to have found the thing, she didn’t even know they carried it and she was happy too because she was going to get one for her kid (an electronic keyboard for children which comes with a mic, which was also on sale).  I don’t know, we both had our own reasons for being happy in that moment and the good mood was infectious. Now, that’s not news, it’s only news that they’re claiming that happiness is more contagious than we thought.  I loved this quote in the article, “Emotions have a collective existence — they are not just an individual phenomenon.” (From Harvard Medical School physician and social scientist Dr. Nicholas A. Christakis, an author of the study.)  Here’s the article if you’re curious.

This picture is a still from a movie I took at the Municipal Archives the other day.  Maybe I should upload the movie.  It’s really short.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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