It’s Hard to Overcome my workaholic Tendencies

So I was a little bit productive.

Got somewhat caught up in email, organized here and there, started a few projects that needed starting. I have one more should-do task and then I’m done.

Oh!!  I’m doing one fun thing I highly recommend. I went to and searched on … I think “Christmas,” but it might have been “holiday.” Then I narrowed the results to full tv episodes, and now I’ve got a selection of holiday tv episodes from my past.  I plan to watch one a day.  

I was a little afraid they wouldn’t hold up, but I started with Barney Miller and I laughed all over again and enjoyed it as much as the last time, however long ago that was. Sigh.

The picture is of Christmas lights on 11th Street, where I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures, feeling safe and protected by the NYPD, who were sitting packed in a small van about 25 feet from where I was shooting.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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