You Know What’s Even Scarier?

I got this map of the muggings from Gothamist. But I’ll tell you what’s even scarier about this quote from one of the girls who was mugged at Bleecker and West 10th Street.

“There were two guys – one had a hood on and a bandanna over his face. He grabbed me from behind and put a gun to my head. I was crying. I was agreeing with everything he wanted me to do. He said, ‘Don’t even think of f- – -ing screaming. Don’t f- – -ing scream. Don’t f- – -ing scream.”

After feeling sorry for this poor girl, I couldn’t help but notice that this is two blocks from my apartment.  But then I realized, the 6th Precinct is on that block!!  Those guys did this within yards of the police precinct!!  The 6th Precinct is on 10th between Bleecker and Hudson.  I had been thinking about how these muggings were all within blocks, all around me, and I didn’t remember until just now how close they’re doing this to the 6th Precinct, too.

The police were out in force last night though, as I said.  I believe they’re doing what they can to address the problem.  I have to say, when I was out last night, I didn’t get the sense that a lot of the girls walking around read or watch the news.  I’m not saying anyone should hide out, but definitely be a little more aware of your surroundings when you know someone out there is specifically targeting you.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “You Know What’s Even Scarier?

  1. Scary, scary. I don’t know how one would ever really recover from the experience of having a gun held to your head.
    Stay safe girl.

  2. Great…One of them is on the next block of Christopher from me. I’d figured I was safe because I’m on a very busy street!

    What I watch out for is getting followed into the building, especially late at night.

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