Merry Christmas!

Last night I watched another West Wing Christmas episode. This was the one where Josh sees the therapist who tells him he is suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.  I forgot about this one!  I always loved this one.

I used to suffer from PTSD myself except I never knew it until I saw this show. The key thing I learned was people with PTSD not only remember an awful thing, they re-live it whenever they remember.  By the time I saw this show episodes of this kind were rare for me, but it just gave me enormous peace to know this.  It still does. And the way they wrapped it around a Christmas story.  Seeing it was liking getting a Christmas present.  It gave my past back to me, wrapped in nicer memories. So I was happy to see this episode again last night.

I’m going out to Long Island later this afternoon.  Hi Karen!!  (Actually, I’m guessing she is WAY too busy today to be reading my blog.)

I’ve still got two more Christmas tv shows to watch, another Bones episode and the Charlie Brown one.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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