Hello 2009. You’re going to be nice to us, right?

I was sitting on the couch with Lianne at my friend Ruby’s New Year’s Day party when I took this shot of Howard and Sandy. I just thought it was a cute boyfriend/girlfriend shot.

A few minutes before that Lianne’s husband, writer/historian Phil Dray and I were going over our favorite Barack Obama moments.  We’re all still just so happy about the election.  Phil’s most recent book, Capitol Men: The Epic Story of Reconstruction Through the Lives of the First Black Congressmen couldn’t have been timed more perfectly. I was trying to remember the piece he recently wrote where I learned a lot and I think it was this one in the Post.

So no New Year’s resolutions for me.  Who makes those anymore?  We all know better by now.  I saw there was an article in the Times about how people don’t keep New Year’s resolutions.  I didn’t read it.  I don’t need to.  I know.

I’m just going to hope I do or say fewer assholish things this year than last year.  That’s the most realistic wish I think I can make.  

Okay, who am I kidding?  I’m hoping this next book does really well. Do you want me to beg universe, because I can beg.  Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Hello 2009. You’re going to be nice to us, right?

  1. Stacy, 2009 could be a very good year. I pray Barack has been reading as much as he can digest about recent American history, esp. Presidential history. I believe the biggest lesson to be learned is not to stonewall. Tell the truth. We are so tired of lies. So much is riding on this new administration. It might be to dramatic to say this is our last chance, but it might not be far from it.
    Happy New Year, Stacy. I hope your book sells millions and you make a book tour in Chicago area.

  2. Happy New Year! Always enjoy the blog and looking forward to the new book. Chicago is not enough – an international promotional tour for this one!

    One of my favourite Obama moments was when he visited the troops in Iraq and took on a really long basketball shot in front of a gym full of soldiers and media. I thought, “Are you nuts?!” but he nailed it first time and the place went wild and he looked so pleased with himself, which was a totally human reaction.

  3. Michael I agree about just telling the truth already. And thank you for the happy new year and wishes for my book.

    Thank you too, Greig. And I loved that basketball shot in Iraq too!! Sweet.

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