Forensic Blogging! It’s Like a CSI Episode!

Ha! My friend Ruby (whose real name is Gail) pointed out that it was Phil in the mirror of the shot below, but she couldn’t tell who he was speaking to. It turns out it was her!!  That’s Ruby in the shot, making a point to Phil.

I so want to be a detective, except I want to be a geek-like detective, like the CSI people.  Except I’m working on my audio forensics piece (still) and there’s definitely an upsetting side, like there always is, to this kind of work.

But not at the moment!  It’s you, Ruby!! Ha!!

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Forensic Blogging! It’s Like a CSI Episode!

  1. hah! when I read the last post I was trying to make out the people in the mirror to see if I recognized them…thanks for doing the detective work for me (hi, ruby!). btw, I do make new year’s resolutions–usually not until epiphany though–the first one on this year’s list is: make.

    and, I also hope your new book does well but, perhaps in the same vein as my resolution, I’m already excited about your next book whatever it may be.

  2. Hi shiftless!! And you’ve inspired me. I’m going to try to think of a realistic resolution approach/attitude. And thanks about my next book!

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