If Only I Was a Kabillionaire

The prettiest building is up for sale. I did a “then and now” on it last year. This picture was taken in 1928, and the one for sale is the narrower one on the left, 387 Bleecker.

I love the kind of door the building on the corner used to have — that diagonal cut into both sides style. 

Now there’s a Marc Jacobs store on that corner.  That’s the one downside to it for me.  

Oh wait, no. What am I talking about?  That’s not a downside at all. The bottom floor of 387 is storefront retail too, and retail-wise, it’s probably a good thing to be next door to a store that is almost always packed.  There’s three or four Marc Jacobs stores on Bleecker and this is where he sells more affordable do-dads, so it’s always busy.  And it’s not a noisy busy.  It’s not like being next to a bar.  For the people living on the upper two floors of 387, it would be fine.

Here was my “now” shot from last summer, but I took another picture below, to show how it looks more straight-on.

I wonder what’s in the back. Hey. I should have looked at who listed this house so I could have looked up the price.  Maybe it’s in the Times.

Found it!  While I was looking for it I saw that there’s a building directly across the street for sale for nine and a half million dollars!  (I’ll take a picture of that today.) But this one can be had for a mere $2,395,000.  Oh god.  I love it.  Why oh why am I not a kabillionaire. You can see the inside here.  I’m in pain now.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “If Only I Was a Kabillionaire

  1. I heard on tv the following statement: to be middle class in NYC, one needs an income in excess of $100K. Is that f_cked up or what ?


  2. It kills me that I will probably never have a nice place like that.

    David, yeah. Messed up. I’m living at poverty level. I can do it because I have a rent stabilized apartment. Which brings me back to: I shouldn’t complain about real estate, and thank my lucky stars.

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