Hello Little Man

I looked through some gates and saw this little guy sitting on someone’s air conditioner. Notice how he’s facing in.  If they open the blinds he’ll be staring in.  Kinda sad.  “Let me in! Let me in!” His tiny voice cried.  But no one heard him through the window over the air conditioner. The little man was forced to stay outside and watch, while the people inside laughed over dinner, unaware of their little friend, outside, all alone.  Ha.

That reminds me, I saw the sweetest postcard on PostSecret yesterday.  It went:

The night of September 16, 1981: Sugar Ray Leonard defeated Thomas Hearns as I lost my virginity.  To this day my wife is the only woman I’ve been with.  When our love-making is particularly nice, I quietly raise her arm above our heads and declare her:  “The Champion!” … and the crowd roars its imaginary approval.

So sweet, right??  It made me jealous.  (Except I don’t like the term “love-making.”  Just say sex.)  I haven’t been posting because I’m so so stressed out.  Like if I don’t spend every waking moment working my book will sink like a stone and I’ll never get to write another, and the world will end.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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