My Head Hurts

Literally and figuratively.  No matter how much I do each day, my to-do list never seems to get smaller.  But today I’m going to work all day long until I collapse on the couch tonight (to watch Grey’s Anatomy, please say it’s on tonight).  Here’s what I have to do:

– Get questions ready for interviews I’m conducting tomorrow (for an NPR piece I’m doing).
– Get interview answers ready.  I’ve learned that I blank out when people ask me questions. So what I do is figure out what people are likely to ask me beforehand and come up with answers.  I read this over whenever I’m about to be interviewed.
– Get pictures copied.  When I’m invited to do a reading I like to do a Powerpoint presentation with great pictures instead.  Readings are dull unless the reader is someone like David Sedaris. I’m not David Sedaris. Not every place has projectors however, so I’m making packets of pictures to hand out for those places.
– Pick readings.  For places that insist I read.
– Practice Powerpoint presentation.
– Pick outfits for readings and presentations.
– Get caught up in email.
– Talk to Betsy about my next book.

This is a picture of the windows at the Tenement Museum. The artists are Sook Jin Jo and a group of students from the Jacob Riis Neighborhood Settlement House.  I like how the reflection of the snow from across the street looks like clouds.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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