An Accurate Picture of Where I’m Headed?

Head long into the darkness??  I took that coming home the other night from my monthly MBSR meeting.  I love being at the front of the train, looking out the window into the track tunnels.  If you look down at the rails, it’s dizzying, like being on a carnival ride.

Meanwhile, still freaking out about getting everything done that I need to get done.  So hi and bye!  I’ll be back later. 

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “An Accurate Picture of Where I’m Headed?

  1. Amazon UK dispatched the new book today – hoping to have a copy in my mitts by tomorrow evening. Looking forward to a great read.

  2. Ha, spoke too soon. I missed the courier delivery and now can’t get it until I go to the depot on Monday. In any case, thank YOU – readers need books! Keep ’em coming. (And enjoy the launch at least a little bit!)

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